Global Mining Standards Group to host one-day workshop

June 17, 2013

Innovative Solutions to Drive a Safer Mining Workplace through Technology: GMSG Announces Joint Workshop with EMERST
The Global Mining and Standards Group (GMSG), an organization for global mining collaboration on solutions to common industry problems, needs and technology through standards, guidelines and best practices, will host a one-day joint workshop with the Earth Moving Equipment Safety Round Table (EMESRT).

The workshop is to be held on Thursday, Aug. 15, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Montreal in conjunction with the World Mining Congress (WMC) and International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining (ISARC).

The workshop will include:

  •  Introduction to EMESRT, 2012/13 successes and plans.
  •  Overview of the EMESRT Design Evaluation Process for Procurement (EDEEP).
  •  Discussion of the status of EDEEP in mining companies and OEMs.
  •  Proof of concept for a Common User Interface for Shovels and development of next steps.
  •  Development of an application programming interface (API) for mobile mining equipment.
  •  Overview of GMSG and EMESRT and a cooperative path forward.

“Historically, companies have asked OEMs for safety features that went beyond ISO standards, however the requests were often splintered and divergent, and manufacturers could not justify the costs of making most changes. As a result, companies have been forced to modify or retrofit equipment in order to mitigate safety deficiencies in mobile equipment designs before they go into service, impacting production and financial returns. This struggle is not unique, and has left many wondering, how can we correct this self-perpetuating situation? EMESRT is the way, “said Ben Scholz, Principal Mine Engineer, Mine Engineering, Technical Services, Newmont.

This workshop offers real-time, relevant discussion and experience. For instance, workshop participants will be among the first to witness the proof-of-concept for a unified user interface for large shovels.

For more information click here.



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