SME leaders take part in virtual Mexico Mining Forum
The Mexico Mining Forum was held virtually Feb. 10-11 and three prominent SME leaders, Robert Schafer, 2020 SME President; Mick Routledge, 2020 SME Health and Safety Division Chair and Kim Morrison, Chair of SME’s Tailings and Mine Waste Committee participated in the event that is one of the premiere meeting places for national and global players shaping Mexico’s mining sector.
On Feb. 10, Shafer was one of four experts invited to speak about mining companies can improve environmental, social and government issues and how technology can be used to participate in a decarbonized society.
“The mine of the future will have a fully integrated community and business environment, in which planning will occur beyond operation and toward closing, so the community can remain sustainable beyond the mine’s life, as well,” Schafer said in the panel discussion.
Isabelle Ramdoo, Deputy Director of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF), Aidan Davy, COO of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) and Dolores Barrientos, Representative Officer in Mexico of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) joined Shafer in the discussion.
The discussion focused on many of the most important challenges for the global mining industry such as earning and maintain a social license to operate, decreasing the carbon footprint of the industry through better technology and working with government agencies.
“A great compromise is needed,” Schafer said. “Industries need materials to decarbonize but a balance is needed between mineral development and environmental protection. Adapting new technologies will help miners decrease their footprint significantly.”
A full recap of the panel discussion can be found at Mexico Business News.