Chilean Institute of Mining Engineers joins Global Mineral Professionals Alliance

May 14, 2020

The Global Mineral Professionals Alliance (GMPA) has welcomed its newest member organization, the Chilean Institute of Mining Engineers (Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas de Chile; IIMCh) with the signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding.

Established in 2011, the GMPA is a collaboration between peak member associations for minerals professionals around the world, taking a leadership role in the pursuit and continuing development of best practice professionalism in the minerals industries.

IIMCh looks forward to their involvement, “GMPA constitutes the most experienced, knowledgeable and reputed group of mine related societies around the world. The Chilean Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMCh) is happy to belong to GMPA. The Chilean mining industry deserves new thinking and concrete action. It deserves clear debates and adequate solutions. That is why we expect a significant participation and interaction from our members in the activities organized by GMPA or its member societies.”

Working collectively, a primary area of focus of the GMPA in 2020, will be to further its work on the Global Action on Tailings initiative. Through engaging and connecting international technical experts in all aspects of mine waste and tailings, this Initiative seeks to provide technical and practical information on topics relating to tailings management, disposal, design, operation, closure, reprocessing, repurposing and ultimately reduction and/or elimination.

Representing more than 60,000 minerals professionals globally, GMPA member organizations
are: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas de Chile (IIMCh), Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú (IIMP), Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc. (SME), and Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM).

For further information contact: Susan Woodman –
GMPA Secretariat


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