August 2003
Geologists, alliances and strategies -- A history of the Homestake Mining Co. in the Austral-Asia region
December 2002
Cresson Mine completes two-year expansion
April 2002
Industry partnership improves health services at Las Cristinas
January 2002
Paragenesis and metal associations in interior Alaska gold deposits: an example from the Fairbanks district
December 2001
Mining at Deep Post -- Newmont's newest underground mine
November 2001
Importance of metallurgical research on refractory gold ore processing
October 2001
Cresson Mine expands its operations
March 2001
Drilling and blasting in hot, reactive ground at Meikle
February 2001
Gekko gravity system installed at Big Bell Mine
December 2000
Banning cyanide use at McDonald -- an attack on open-pit mining
January 2000
Eskay Creek Mine and Mill -- a continuing success
January 2000
Using diagnostic process analysis to improve cash flow at Newmont's Carlin Mill #4