Welcome to the Mining Engineering Issue Archives

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February 2001 EIA report: How Clean Air Act Amendments affect coal transportation
October 2000 Site development over an abandoned coal mine
September 2000 Mountaintop-removal controversy slows West Virgina coal mining
September 2000 Foamed grout controls underground coal-mine fire
June 2000 Deep cut: ground control and worker safety in coal mines
April 2000 Dredges aid in coal mine tailings reprocessing
November 1999 Technology and productivity changes in US coal mining: a 45-year review
October 1999 Digital assessment of northern and central Appalachian basin coals
October 1999 Tackling India's coal ash problem
September 1999 Influence of coal properties and dust-control parameters on longwall respirable-dust levels
September 1999 Coal mine ventilation returns to centrifugal fans