September 2020
Volume 72    Issue 9

Academia poised to maintain high standards while continuing the evolution of teaching in a pandemic era

Mining Engineering , 2020, Vol. 72, No. 9, pp. 31-31
Ellis, Margo


As summer phases out and we mark seven months of living with the COVID-19 pandemic, the fall semester is here and so too is a new era in the world of academia. To gain a better understanding of what mining engineering programs are doing to tackle the myriad challenges ahead, a virtual teleconference roundtable was formed among six faculty from universities across the United States. Eager to share experiences, tips and resources, the central focus was how innovation can help students’ foray into schooling that is largely hybrid or, in some cases, online-only. Having learned invaluable dos and don’ts from the frenzied spring semester, these mining engineering (ME) faculty are committed to an evolving process, where the common thread is a passion to involve and engage students no matter where they are. The clear priority for all participants is to deliver the same level of quality education that keeps student outcomes high, and where the only difference is the mode and delivery, but the product is the same.

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