August 2003
Volume 55    Issue 8

Planning for flexibility in underground mine production systems

Mining Engineering , 2003, Vol. 55, No. 8, pp. 16-21
Kazakidis, V.N.; Scoble, M.

In a world of widening competition and uncertainty, operating flexibility and strategic adaptability are being increasingly recognized as critical to long-term corporate success. It has been realized in operating underground mines that the greatest scope for savings is available during the early planning stage, within and somewhat beyond the feasibility study. Here, the planning team has greater freedom to explore alternatives and assess risk using various technical and economic criteria. Once ground has been broken, the alternatives available to the operator diminish exponentially as the mine matures. Although optimization, focusing on production level and cost, are the consistent objectives of the mine operator, many key design and planning commitments have been made at the initial planning stage.

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