Wet kata cooling power (WKCP) measured using a kata thermometer is a well-known heat stress index in mining industries. Although over the years several researchers have proposed different heat indices and indicated the limitations of the kata thermometer, it is still being used in many areas, especially in the South African gold mining industry, mainly because of its simplicity and rapidity of assessment. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the newly developed empirical expression for WKCP, and some of the more prevalent empirical expressions. The analysis presented based on a regression technique aims to assess the disagreement between model predictions and actual measurements. It is found that the WKCP expresses bioclimatic interaction quite well under the specific parameter of interaction that explains the harsh thermal environment and air condition, such as metabolic activity, the person’s clothing, and the velocity of the air in which the person is working. The statistical analysis shows that the WKCP exhibits significant estimates to thermal stress under lower air velocities, light clothing, and higher metabolic activity rates.
Full-text paper:
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2021) 38:2433–2441, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42461-021-00473-0