Tailings, or flotation waste, formed during copper production may be considered in the class of valuable wastes because of the amount of copper they contain. With the decreasing grade values of copper ores, the utilization of wastes like tailings that carry certain amounts of copper as secondary sources has become a necessity in both the economic and environmental senses. This study was carried out with the aim of using ammonium derivatives for the recovery of copper from tailings waste produced during copper production and utilizing their complex formation characteristics. In the conditions of six hours of leaching at 30 °C in the presence of 22.5 percent ammonium hydroxide and 100 g/L ammonium persulfate, 91.47 percent of the copper was transferred into the solution, while iron was not transferred, indicating that copper can be selectively recovered from tailings.
Full-text paper:
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2020) 37:1349–1356, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42461-020-00241-6